Jasmin who is another architecture student, jolted Pharaoh Pea from bleary eyed to awake with this b.e.aut of a manicure. Jasmin's eclectic style is simple but very well put together. Pharaoh Pea's favourites include coca cola earrings from somewhere exotic and a gold sequined skirt from Zara. Holla. Enjoy.
Foh Pea
I have become your 5th follower! I will update my profile so I'm not just a faceless grey avatar as soon as I have time to have a major photoshoot to get a photo of myself which will entice readers to my new blog rather than put them off (may be quite a feat!). Yes, I am starting la blog. Not many ideas as to what I'm actually going to write about but I have been considering it for some time and have now (awful expression comin' right up) 'taken the plunge'.
Gabrielle! Awful expressions are Pharaoh Pea's "bread and butter"! Holla, holla! Horray, horray! There's lots of things to write about! You can use it to talk about anything from your sewing endeavours, life in the fast lane in vibrant Abo'deen to venting about yodelll etc! Will keep my eyes open for your first post!